Frequently Asked Questions

Where is 1776 Self Storage located?

1776 Burgess Falls Rd
Cookeville, TN 38506

How far are you from Tennessee Tech University?

We are 4 miles away, meaning you can reach us after an 8-minute drive via TN-135 S. The facility is equipped with several security cameras, so you can be sure that your college essentials and apartment belongings are protected.

When can I use my unit?

As one of our customers, you will be able to use our self-storage units from 6:00 am to 9:00 pm daily.

Do you offer student storage?

We sure do. Our self-storage units are very close to Tennessee Tech University. Don’t worry if you cannot be here to handle everything in person – our online rentals are an easy alternative that allows you to reserve your unit from anywhere!

What is climate control?

This interior storage feature is the best choice for when you need to keep your things away from the elements. Our climate-controlled storage units will maintain a suitable environment with steady temperatures, allowing you to store furniture and other fragile items.

Can I rent a ground-level unit?

Yes, you can. All our self-storage units are on the ground floor, allowing for an easy experience on your part. Our team will handle everything and process your rental agreement, offering clear communication the entire time.

Do you offer Auto Pay?

Yes, our customers can pay the rent from anywhere without having to come into our facility at the end of each month. With our automatic payment options, the entire process will be quick and easy!